Planting a Legacy
by Angela Repke, Learning Specialist
My senior Learning Skills class waltzed into their first day and found a small paper butterfly with their name. The delicate paper was bespeckled with seeds and will be something they contemplate this fall and winter and plant in the spring in our new Senior Garden. Before they plant, however, there is plenty of preparation to attend.
This cultivation goes beyond their math and language requirements and Senior Seminar projects. The seeds represent the work they must tend within—the work we must all do within ourselves to be true learners and students of life.
Living together at The Leelanau School is a vulnerable act from the moment students step out of their cars in September. We pass through many firsts together. We struggle. We fail. And we help each other get back up. We succeed. We grow. We celebrate. And, come June, our seniors will fly away from Leelanau, ready to soar into the future, understanding more about themselves, their passions, and their purpose.
But flying away doesn’t mean they won’t leave behind a legacy. Whether we like that heavy responsibility or not, we all leave behind a legacy and footprint of our time at Leelanau. Our actions will matter. Our words matter. Cleaning up our messes matters. Being gentle with each other matters. Living in the Leelanau School community isn’t easy for anyone, but without a doubt, what you plant is what you reap.
The 2023-24 school year will be full of blunders. But at the Leelanau School, we embrace mistakes. In fact, we encourage them. Mistakes are evidence of taking healthy risks and working hard. They are courageous acts. Here on our campus, we do all of that together.
During the first few days of school this year, our seniors set off to South Manitou Island. They ventured into a rainstorm, not just any rainstorm but a once-in-a-lifetime rainstorm. And not only did they survive it, they flourished despite it. Some may argue because of it. The weather was the hurdle and demonstrated they could persevere through the challenge thrown their way.
To help them get to the finish line, I’ve asked my seniors to write a quote on their paper butterflies—something inspirational they strive to live by during this 2023-24 school year. Every day, they can look at their chosen words as a reminder of the type of legacy they choose to leave behind.
Sara chose her own insightful words, “Do your best; just make sure you stay at your best.” She’s learned that effort is essential, but staying connected with yourself is, too.
Nathaniel wrote, “Know when to try hard, and not too hard.” For him, it’s vital to recognize when to give one hundred percent and when to simply get the job done.
This spring, as the seniors choose their colleges, finish their Senior presentations, and plan for their future, we’ll plant their words and seeds into the ground, allowing their legacy to take root at Leelanau. Wildflowers will bloom out of the soil with evidence of beauty, perseverance, and growth. We look forward to watching this history blossom for generations to come.