AND JUST LIKE THAT the 2021-22 school year came to a close. We thought we would share our happy and busy journey through June via photographs. Please enjoy! We did!
AND JUST LIKE THAT the 2021-22 school year came to a close. We thought we would share our happy and busy journey through June via photographs. Please enjoy! We did!
Great Outdoor Adventures
The Leelanau Outdoor Challenge
"In the Clouds" Skipper Prom 2022
Our bees are ready for a productive season in Mr. Hood's new Sustainability - Greenhouse class!
Seniors had beautiful weather for their North Manitou backpacking trip!
Wise Words
Head of School Rob Hansen offered sage advice to seniors on transitioning from student to alumnus.
Libby acknowledged her career and passion for science and nature were deeply influenced by Mr. Hood, Mr. Blondia, and Mr. Karner. Libby serves as Director of Conservation at the HeadWaters Land Conservancy, working to preserve northeast Michigan's most storied watersheds, rivers, streams, and shorelines
“Overall, my time at Leelanau has truly been one of the most happy accidents I have ever had the pleasure of taking part in. Leelanau took me, an overachieving student on the brink of burnout, and helped me find my love and curiosity to be excited to learn again. So, I guess for myself at least, Leelanau truly was a better way to learn.”
This month we said difficult goodbyes to teachers, mentors, and friends. Long-anticipated retirements and new adventures await them. Their Leelanau Spirit will live on, as will our deep gratitude and affection.
Kim Speicher (in positive pink), Spanish faculty and steward of kindness, photographed with long-time faculty colleagues Jen Parker Smith, Laura Hood, and Elizabeth Blondia.
Visual Art faculty member, ski guide, creative, and guardian of Leelanau's Core Values, Kaz McCue.
Beloved and fashionable Res Life faculty members extraordinaire Kelsey Barnes and Elijah Nykamp. (Pictured with Anika Eisenstat, Coordinator of Res Life)
Math, robotics, and life wizard Jay Meyers (right) contemplating infinity with brother and math faculty accomplice, Cal.
Dir. of Food Services, Lynne Brach, whose delicious food and devotion to nutrition and our students are legendary.