Reflections on Learning
by Rob Hansen, Head of School
The school year has come to its traditional seasonal pause. The spring traditions of Leelanau have been observed and enjoyed. The ceremonial rite of passage for our graduates was completed. Graduation Green has once again been venerated by those who pass through, traveling onward with memories of Leelanau as their compass.
All learning is conditioned upon reflection. It is in looking back that we see, perhaps for the first time, the obstacles we have overcome, the effort we put in, and the new heights we have discovered. Only through reflection do we gain the perspective necessary to inform our next mission.
For nearly 100 years, this time has always come to the pines and oaks of the Leelanau School. Each class of students comes to Leelanau as a unique community, living in their own era but destined to be shaped by similar experiences. Sitting under the same shade of the same trees as those from years ago. Listening to the Crystal River sing the same song as it always has. Hiking the trails shared by generations and experiencing the same traditions. So is true for the class of 2023.
When alumni look back at their time at Leelanau, what do they see? Hopefully, they see friendships forged by the intensity of living together. Hopefully, they see the teachers who had their backs, stood by their side, and got out of their way when they were ready to fly. Hopefully, they see the things they accomplished they were once so sure they never could do. Hopefully, they hear the music, laughter, and breezes that color their time. Hopefully, they feel the family of Leelanau that extends beyond those of their time to ALL of those who came before them and will go after.
For those of us who remain here, year after year, awaiting the next generation of students, we see the future that sits upon the horizon called September.
Shine on.